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作  者: ;

机构地区: 东莞理工学院

出  处: 《老龄科学研究》 2014年第8期52-58,共7页

摘  要: 从政策制定过程、养老服务类型、老人需求差异三个维度来看,需求评估是构建社会养老服务体系的关键环节。然而我国的社会养老服务需求评估制度还处于起步和试点阶段,在评估主体、评估内容和评估对象等方面均存在诸多不足。为完善社会养老服务需求评估,需要建立专业的需求评估队伍,逐步将全体老年人纳入需求评估对象中,建立动态的需求信息库,适当增加需求评估内容,逐渐完善需求评估工具,从而有助于缓解养老服务供给中存在的供给与需求之间的矛盾,提升社会养老服务供给的科学性和合理性。 From the angles of the policy making process, the types of old-age services, the different demands, the demand assessment is a key link in the process of constructing social old-age service system. However, our country's demand assessment system of social old-age service is still in its beginning and pilot stage, there are still shortcomings in the evaluation subject, evaluation content and evaluation object. To perfect the social old-age service demand assessment, it needs to establish a professional team of demand assessment, gradually to include all the elderly into the demand assessment object, to establish the dynamic demand database, appropriately to increase the demand assessment content, demand assessment tools should be gradually improved. It can help to relieve the contradictions of supply and demand for the old-age service, improve the scientificity and the rationality of the social old-age service supply.

关 键 词: 老人 社会养老服务 需求评估

分 类 号: [D669.6]

领  域: []


