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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州航海学院

出  处: 《交通运输研究》 2016年第4期21-28,37共9页

摘  要: 为了推动广州低碳智网型航运中心的发展,建设更加高效环保的集疏运体系,对服务广州国际航运中心建设的港口集疏运体系的发展及完善对策进行了研究。首先,剖析了广州港口集疏运体系的发展现状;接着,通过与国内外著名国际航运中心对比,分析了广州港口集疏运体系发展存在的问题;然后,对国内外国际航运中心集疏运体系建设的相应经验进行了总结;最后,在对广州港口集装箱集疏运体系配流实证分析的基础上,提出了完善广州港口集疏运体系的对策建议。研究结果表明,广州虽然已经具备了较好的集疏运条件,但存在珠三角水网优势发挥不够充分等问题,因此广州需要对标国内外著名航运中心,充分吸取外地经验,致力于打造"升级版"港口集疏运体系,如实施珠江流域战略等。 To promote the development of Guangzhou Shipping Center with low-carbon and intelligentnetwork type,build more efficient and environmental friendly port freight collecting and distributing sys-tem,the development and improving strategies of port freight collecting and distributing system servingthe construction of Guangzhou International Shipping Center were studied.Firstly,the present situationof the development of Guangzhou port freight collecting and distributing system was expounded.Second-ly,the problems existing in the development of Guangzhou port freight collecting and distributing systemwere analyzed compared with domestic and foreign famous international shipping center.Thirdly,the rel-evant construction experience of freight collecting and distributing system of international shipping cen-ter at home and abroad was summarized.Finally,based on the empirical analysis of Guangzhou contain-er network flow assignment,the suggestions on improving the Guangzhou port freight collecting and distributing system were put forward.The research results indicate that although Guangzhou has goodfreight collecting and distributing conditions,there are problems including the insufficiently playing ofthe Pearl River Delta network advantage,etc.So Guangzhou needs to fully absorb other cities′ experi-ence and create "upgrade" port freight collecting and distributing system benchmarked against domesticand international famous shipping center.The countermeasures include the implement of the strategy ofthe Pearl River drainage,etc.

关 键 词: 集疏运 国际航运中心 港口 集装箱 对策

分 类 号: [U651]

领  域: []


