作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东农工商职业技术学院
出 处: 《职教通讯》 2012年第19期66-69,共4页
摘 要: 人力资本理论为高职金融人才培养提供了理论依据。根据金融人才的特点和形成过程以及金融人才职业成长路径,结合高职金融专业人才培养的定位,分析复利模型与金融人才培养模式共同特征,提出高职金融专业复利型人才培养模式。 Human capital theory provides a theoretical basis for higher vocational financial personnel training. Ac- cording to the characteristics of financial talent and the formation process, and financial personnel career growth path, combined with positioning of higher vocational training financial professionals, a common feature has been analysis of the model of compound interest and financial personnel training mode, Compounding interest person- nel training mode for higher vocational education of financial professionals is proposed.
分 类 号: [G718]
领 域: []