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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东农工商职业技术学院

出  处: 《广东第二师范学院学报》 2013年第1期93-97,共5页

摘  要: “庆元党禁”时期的出版限禁是“绍熙内禅”后韩饨胄、赵汝愚因权力分配不均而导致矛盾激化的结果。反道学党为排斥异己,党同伐异,借“伪学逆党”之名,对道学人士和学说大肆禁止;道学人士遭到迫害,道学图书和学说遭到毁版查禁、焚烧和封杀,给文化发展带来严重负面影响。 The unequal distribution of power between Han Tuo-zou and Zhao Ru-yu in the "throne of Shao Xi" event led to publishing ban during the period of "Qing Yuan Group Ban" . In the name of "wei xue ni dang", the opponents of Taoism removed those who disagreed with them. Taoism people were persecuted and Taoist books and theory had been destroyed, which brought serious negative effects to the development of culture.

关 键 词: 庆元党禁 学禁 道学 出版限禁

分 类 号: [K244]

领  域: []


