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作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳广播电视大学

出  处: 《北京理工大学学报:社会科学版》 2009年第2期 17-20,42,共5页

摘  要: 蔡邕是东汉后期的文坛巨匠。他对于骈俪化的追求和探索,对六朝时的骈文创作有直接的启发意义。同时,蔡邕的文章,尤其是碑文,无论是对于儒家经典及其精神的体认,还是使事用典,都表现出学者之文富有深厚的经史传统的特质。这对于魏晋以来文坛上流行的一些浅薄庸俗的文风有针砭的意义。刘勰在《文心雕龙》中,就有见于此两端而对蔡邕的创作、艺术风格及其文学史意义做出了全面的评价,尤其是专门将碑文作为独立的文体加以探讨,有力凸显了蔡邕在文学史上的开创性意义。 Cai Yong is an important writer in the Late Eastern Han Dynasty, whose pursuit of "Pian Li" had direct influence on literary style in the Six Dynasties. Meanwhile, his writings, especially his epitaphs, no matter it is their identification with classical Confucian works or their employment of allusions, all evince well-read scholarly depth, which is a rebuttal of the superficial and flamboyant literary styles among his contemporaries. Liu Xie's The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons contains a comprehensive criticism of Cai Yong's works including his artistic styles and importance in literature history.

关 键 词: 《文心雕龙》 蔡邕 碑文 骈文

分 类 号: [I206.2]

领  域: []


