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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东海洋大学

出  处: 《中国农学通报》 2012年第29期310-316,共7页

摘  要: 在文献梳理的基础上,构建了休闲旅游服务情境下"顾客满意-购后行为"关系的理论模型。在模型构建的基础上提出了研究假设,运用SPSS17.0软件对收集的174份有效问卷进行了信度与效度分析,并对假设中各变量之间的相关性进行了验证。研究结果表明:顾客满意与积极的购后行为正相关,与消极的购后行为负相关。同时,购后行为也对顾客满意产生影响,积极的购后行为正向地影响顾客满意,而消极的购后行为负向地影响顾客满意。研究结果验证了服务公平与感知绩效理论在休闲旅游中的适应性,提出了顾客关系管理与服务补救策略在休闲旅游经营中的重要性。 Based on service performance and fairness theory,a conceptual model with 12 hypotheses explaining the relationship between customer satisfaction and post-purchase behaviors under leisure tourism context were derived and subjected to empirical assessment.SPSS17.0 was used for reliability/validity testing and hypothesis testing.Consistent with most of the previous researches,we concluded that while tourist satisfaction had positive effect on positive post-purchase behaviors,and visa versa.Furthermore,our research indicated the impacts of post-behaviors on tourist satisfaction.In theory,the results verified the effects between post-purchase behaviors and customer satisfaction on each other.In practice,this study highlighted the importance of customer relationship management and service recovery strategies in leisure tourism industry.

关 键 词: 顾客满意 购后行为 休闲旅游 休闲农庄

分 类 号: [F32]

领  域: []


