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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《福建师范大学学报:哲学社会科学版》 2016年第2期113-120,150共9页

摘  要: 但丁和彼特拉克笔下的太阳通常是有着明确指称对象和多级所指的隐喻。它的一级所指分别指述的是容貌和德性完美的女性形象贝阿特丽切和劳拉,而由她们引发的作者的情感、观念和愿望,以及更深层次的个性与人格、生命和社会文化要素,分别构成了其二、三、四级所指。这个太阳隐喻基于摹仿类推:它的陈述意义总是被一些潜在的、具体的、关于相似性的陈述所给予,其中最主要的是贝阿特丽切和劳拉在女性形象以及完美和统摄力方面像太阳、但丁之于贝阿特丽切、彼特拉克之于劳拉的爱情像太阳。 The sun in Dante and Petrarch's text is the metaphor with explicit objects and multiple signified. The primary signified is referred to Beatrice and Laura,who are beautiful women with virtue. They give rise to the author's emothonal ideas and wishes,and the further stage of individuality and personality,life as well as social culture,which form the secondary,tertiary and fourth signified. The Sun Metaphor base on the analogy of imitation, which the state meaning is usually given by some latent, concrete and resemblance statements. It is the most important that Beatrice and Laura's image of perfection and dominance is like the sun,in other words,Dante's love for Beatrice,and Petrarch's love for Laura is like the sun.

关 键 词: 但丁 彼特拉克 太阳隐喻 摹仿类推

分 类 号: [H05]

领  域: []


