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作  者: ;

机构地区: 东莞职业技术学院

出  处: 《广东交通职业技术学院学报》 2017年第4期60-65,共6页

摘  要: 文中通过对学校和企业广泛深入的调研,提出高职港口与航运管理专业教学资源建设的原则应是简洁、实用、高效率,突出资源的主题性,校企合作与团队开发。资源库的资源可以分为专业级资源、技能级(学习领域)资源和素材级资源,基于学习领域的资源框架包括港口业务、航运业务、国际货代业务、国际物流业务、综合业务和职业发展6大模块,每个模块又包含课程资源、企业实习、技能竞赛、行业信息、社会服务、职业认证、互动平台共6个主题资源。最后提出资源的建设需要配合学习内容的内在整合和课程体系重构。 This paper,on the basis of extensive and intensive survey on schools and enterprises,proposes that the construction principles for the Teaching Resources of the Port and Shipping Management major in higher vocational education should be concise,practical,high efficiency,highlighting the theme of resources,school-enterprise cooperation and team development.These database resources can be sub-divided into three levels from professional-level,skill-level(also as learning field)to material-level.The learning-field-based database frameworks cover six modules including the businesses of port,shipping,international freight forwarding,international logistics services,integrated business and occupation development,each module consisting of a total of6thematic resources including curriculum resources,enterprise practice,skill competition,industry information,social services,professional certification and interactive platform.Finally,it is also proposed that the construction of resources need the internal integration of learning content and the reconstruction of curriculum system.

关 键 词: 高职教育 专业教学资源库 港口与航运管理专业 框架设计

分 类 号: [G712]

领  域: []


