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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

出  处: 《海南大学学报:人文社会科学版》 2012年第1期 6-10,共5页

摘  要: 明清琼州府灾害以飓风为代表,其多在夏秋季节发生,影响范围包括整个海南岛,甚至广东及其他沿海。飓风常常伴随着暴雨、暴潮,毁屋坏船,损禾伤稼,溺毙人畜,带来较大的灾难。明清琼州府官员查勘灾情,抚恤慰问,救灾救荒,甚或祈求飓风神来减少和免除灾害;而平时修沟挖渠,修建水利等防灾,这些措施在一定程度上减少了飓风对琼州造成的损害。明清地方政府应对飓灾的措施对今天海南的防灾减灾有一定的借鉴作用。 In Ming and Qing Dynasties,typhoons,the main natural disasters in Qiongzhou(i.e.Hainan) mostly occurring in summer and autumn,affected a wide range of the whole Hainan island as well as other coastal areas of Guangdong province.Often accompanied by storms and surges,they brought catastrophes,destroyed buildings and boats,damaged crops,and drowned livestock,even people.After typhoon,local officials usually would visit and examine disaster-affected areas,provided the damaged with relieving and rescuing daily necessities,and some even prayed for less or none calamity by worshiping the god in charge of typhoon.While in peaceful time,government officials would have the ditches fixed and water project built or maintained to defend against typhoons.To some extent,the damages caused by typhoons to Qiongzhou at that time were lessened by such countermeasures,which is of certain reference for today in disaster prevention and mitigation in Hainan.

关 键 词: 飓风 政府 琼州 应对

分 类 号: [K23]

领  域: []


