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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

出  处: 《西域研究》 2011年第3期14-25,共12页

摘  要: 针对法国学者魏义天文中出现的几个问题,从"柘羯""拓设"和"柘折"的词义考辨入手,逐步引出与之紧密相连的突粟共生环境、突厥系粟特人诸问题。以此为背景,对柘羯募兵制中的"募"字在不同时空环境中的运作方式进行考察,尤其对安禄山积宝募兵的综合方法做了个案分析。最后又回到粟特人的商业本性上,结合王国维的上下二级观来探讨粟特人商武二元分离的心理。研究结果表明:《通典.突厥上》中的"柘羯"并非指粟特精兵,而是特指东突厥阿史那社尔;中亚石国古名"柘折"音义与柘羯全无关涉。中亚柘羯实为粟特诸国出钱招募的精英战士,其兵源主要以游牧种粟特人为主。在突粟共生环境影响下,唐帝国境内的柘羯成为突厥系粟特武人以及胡蕃联军的代称。安禄山通过商业、礼俗、宗教、政治等手段来笼络贾胡,招募胡蕃将士为其服务。九姓胡重利轻政的心理和商武二元分立的意识,实源自粟特地区独特的历史地理环境。 Aimed at the questions put forward in French scholar Wei Yitian's paper,this paper first discussed the meanings of Zhejie(柘羯),Tuoshe(拓设) and Zhezhe(柘折) in order to draw forth questions of Turkic-Sogdian mutualistic environment and Turkic Sogdians.On this basis,the way of Mu(募)(to enlist) of Zhejie's Enlisting System in various conditions was then discussed,taking the Anlushan's comprehensive tactics of collecting finances and raising soldiers as a typical case.Finally,this paper approached the Sogdian merchants' separated dualistic psychology of commerce and military affairs by using Wang Guowei's upper-under ranks theory.To summarize,this paper arrived at a conclusion that the Zhejie in ' Tong Dian:Turks' was not for Sogdian crack troops but for Arshilasheer of Eastern Turk;neither pronunciation nor meaning of the ancient name Zhezhe of Shi Kingdom in Central Asia referred to Zhejie ;Zhejie in Central Asia actually meant picked soldiers enlisted by various Sogdian kingdoms mostly from nomadic Sogdians;Influenced by Turkic-Sogdian mutualistic environment,Zhejie in Tang empire was another name of Turkic Sogdian soldiers and Hu-Bo Allied army.Anlushan won commercial Hu over by means of trade,etiquette and custom,religion and politics to enlist Hu and Bo soldiers;the Nine-surname Hu's psychology of seeking huge profit while taking light of politics and mentality of separating commerce from military affairs were actually originated from the unique historical and geographical conditions of the Sogdian area.

关 键 词: 粟特人 柘羯 募兵制 阿史那社尔 安禄山

分 类 号: [K242]

领  域: []


