作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学
出 处: 《图书馆论坛》 2016年第7期86-89,共4页
摘 要: 东汉末年广东南海人杨孚所著《南裔异物志》详载汉代岭南社会风物风情及其开发利用,具有较高的史学价值、学术价值、科学价值和文学价值。它创建史学新门类,成为粤人著作见诸史志著录的第一部;它是首部专记岭南风物的志书,为研究东汉岭南社会发展提供了详实的第一手资料;它是广东诗文嚆矢之作,开南粤风雅之先,堪称岭南古史上的鸿篇巨制。 Nan Yi Yi Wu Zhi,written by YANG Fu who lived in Nanhai county of Guangdong Province during Eastern Han dynasty,details Lingnan customs and practices of Han dynasty. The book is of great value in history,academy,science and literature. As the first recorded historical works written by Cantonese scholar,it creates a new historical category. It is the first local annuals concerning the then Lingnan customs and provides plentiful first-hand historical materials for the research on Lingnan social development in Han dynasty. It is the earliest Cantonese poetry,the pioneer of Nan Yue literature,and a masterwork in ancient history of Lingnan.
分 类 号: [K203]
领 域: []