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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

出  处: 《文学遗产》 2003年第5期110-122,共13页

摘  要: 本文由历史演义之书名入手,具体地探讨了历史演义与史传特别是与“通鉴”类史书的亲缘关系,认为“通鉴”类史书不仅为其产生创造了契机,而且为其提供了必要的叙事艺术经验,其外在叙述体式和内在叙事结构等均在一定程度上得力于“通鉴”类史书的孕育;但在“按鉴”演史的同时,历史演义亦或多或少地汲取了民间讲史平话等的生动素材,部分地承袭了民间讲史的文体特点,有意将纷繁复杂的历史人事通俗化、条理化、故事化和传奇化。这样,它作为“小说”的艺术特性也就随之突出、鲜明起来,并最终产生出中国最早的章回体历史小说。 The text here is in search of the relationship between the literary genre of historical novels and the historical biographies or the 'general mirrors' of historical events. It maintains that the historical books like those 'general mirrors' lay the foundation of the creational works of historical novels, especially in the fields of narration and internal narrative structure. However, at the same time, the historical fiction has also assimilated more or less the popular 'talks' (pinghua) about the history by way of simplifying the historical characters and events and protruding the artistic nature as 'novels' , from which was engendered the earliest historical fiction with chapters' headings style ( zhanghui ti).

关 键 词: 明代 清代 历史演义小说 文体生成 编年体 叙述方式 创作特征 志传 “按鉴” 《通鉴》

分 类 号: [I207.41]

领  域: []


