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基金项目: 广州市哲学社会科学规划课题

申报时间: 2010-09-01

结项时间: 2012-09-01

成果名称: “蒺藜”兵器考

成果形式: 论文

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学体育学院

出  处: 《搏击:武术科学》 2010年第6期 23-26,共4页

摘  要: 文章借助史籍,对"铁蒺藜"等兹类兵器的形成、发展和演变进行研究,结论:(1)取形于植物"蒺藜"而制造的"蒺藜"兵器,最早见于《六韬》的记载;(2)五代之前,"蒺藜"兵器主要用于战争的防御;(3)宋代是"蒺藜"兵器多样化发展的跃进时期,超越了简单的防御阶段,具备主动进攻的功能;(4)迨至明朝,该类兵器进一步改良,并有了详尽的工艺制作和使用的记述;(5)"铁蒺藜"还在非军事领域方面发挥它的本质功能。此外,宋代是"铁蒺藜"一词使用频率最高、词义引申最丰富的时期,说明该类器械的使用已经非常普及。 According to the functions and evolution of Iron Tribulus by historical records,conclusions were drawn:(1) Iron Tribulus terrestris,which was made according to the shape of tribulus,can be first seen in the record of "Six Tao";(2) Iron Tribulus terrestris was used for defense before the Five Dynasties;(3) Iron Tribulus terrestris developed form the phase of defense to the phase of attack in Song Dynasty;(4) The weapons developed and the detailed account of production and application appeared in Ming dynasty;(5) Iron Tribulus terrestris played its essential function also in non-military.Furthermore,the word of "Iron Tribulus terrestris" used most and the meaning of "Iron Tribulus terrestris" extended most abundant in Song Dynasty.

关 键 词: 武术 蒺藜 兵器

分 类 号: [G85]

领  域: []


