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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

出  处: 《中国文学研究》 2019年第1期131-137,共7页

摘  要: 中国文学图文互文研究著作对于图像史料的使用在新世纪后发生了转向,由20世纪90年代后期热衷于书影、人物照片转而表现出对于美术图像史料的大量使用。美术图像史料进入文学图文研究著作后,建构了文学研究著作的空间意识,形成了具有层次感和体积感的空间形象,同时也努力追求图像意义及文化场域的生成,在多种文化对话中还原文学历史现场。文学研究著作对于图像史料选择的变化反映了学者研究旨趣与观念的转变,但研究著作对美术图像史料的使用还处于起步阶段,有待继续实践及研究。 The use of historical materials of image in the study of graphic and textual intertextuality in Chinese Literature has turned in the new century,from the keen to the book photographs and pictures of figures in the late 1990 s to the large use of the historical materials of art images. After entering the works of literary graphic and text research,the historical materials of art images have constructed the spatial consciousness of works about literary research,formed a spatial image with a sense of hierarchy and volume. At the same time,they also have striven to pursue the generation of image meaning and cultural field to restore the scene of literary history in the course of multi-cultural dialogue. The changes in the choice of the historical materials of image in the works of lit-erary research reflect the turns of scholars’ research interests and concepts,but the use of historical materials of art image by research works is still in the initial stage,which needs to be further practiced and studied.

关 键 词: 美术史料 图文互文 中国文学研究 意义建构

分 类 号: [I206;J120.9]

领  域: []


