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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州体育学院

出  处: 《体育学刊》 2014年第5期36-42,共7页

摘  要: 通过调研发现体育社会组织承接政府职能转移中存在下列问题:不能准确定位体育行政部门与体育社会组织之间关系;“政社不分,管办不分”的状况没有根本改变;体育社会组织没有真正实现“去行政化、去等级化”;不愿意转移对自身有利的职能;职能转移不规范;很多基层体育社会组织面临身份合法性困境;社会组织管理法规修订、制定滞后等。针对这些问题,提出构建政府与社会组织的新型合作伙伴关系;厘清政府部门与社会组织的各自职能边界;允许社会组织从事营利性经营活动;建立体育社会组织承接政府职能转移的长效机制;制定《社会组织法》等对策。 Through investigation the author found that there were the following problems in sports social organiza-tions’ takeover of governmental functions transferred: the relationship between sports administration departments and sports social organizations was not accurately defined; the overall situation of “no differentiation between the functions of an administration department and a social organization” was not changed fundamentally; sports social organization did not truly realize “de-administration” and “de-hierarchy”; people were reluctant to transfer functions beneficial to themselves; function transfer was not standardized; many grass root sports social organizations faced a dilemma of identity legitimacy; the revision or establishment of social organization management regulations lagged behind etc. Aiming at these problems, the author put forward the following countermeasures: build a new coopera-tive partnership between the government and social organizations; correctly clarify respective function boundaries of government departments and social organizations; allow social organizations to engage in profitable business ac-tivities; establish a long-term effective mechanism of sports social organizations’ takeover of governmental func-tions transferred; enact Social Organization Law, etc.

关 键 词: 体育管理 体育社会组织 政府职能转移

分 类 号: [G80-05]

领  域: []


