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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州体育学院

出  处: 《广州体育学院学报》 2019年第1期98-102,共5页

摘  要: 青少年的体质健康关系到国家的未来,一直以来是国家关注的热点问题。如何从体育的视角出发,有效地评价学生的健康水平;哪些测试指标更能科学合理地反映学生的健康状况等问题,是体质测试领域一直关注的话题。美国是世界上最早进行体适能测试的国家之一,随着时代的发展已经经过多次的调整和改进,体适能的测试也完成了由原来的技能相关体适能向健康相关体适能的转变,对我国学生体质测试有重要的借鉴作用。在介绍美国体适能发展历程的基础上,着重介绍目前美国普遍流行的五种体适能测试系列(FITNESSGRAM健康体适能测试、YMCA青年体适能测试、总统挑战体适能测试、克莱斯勒基金体适能测试和全国青少年体适能测试)的组成、评价和信效度,特别对占主流的FITNESSGRAM规范参考标准进行进一步解读,以期为我国学生体质测试的改进提供参考。 The physical fitness of adolescents has always been a hot issue of national concern which is related to the country's future.How to effectively evaluate the health level of students from the perspective of physical education,and which test indicators can more scientifically and reasonably reflect the health status of students,have been the topic of concern in the field of physical fitness testing.The United States is one of the earliest countries to carry out physical fitness test in the world.With the development of the times,it has been adjusted and improved many times.The physical fitness test has also completed the transformation from skill-related physical fitness to health-related physical fitness,which has an important reference for our students'physical fitness test.On the basis of introducing the development course of physical fitness in the United States,this paper mainly introduces the composition,evaluation and validity of five popular physical fitness test series in the United States(FITNESSGRAM health fitness test,YMCA youth fitness test,President Challenge fitness test,Chrysler Foundation fitness test and National Adolescent fitness test),especially the mainstream FITNESS.The reference standard of GRAM is further interpreted in order to provide reference for the improvement of students'physical fitness test in China.

关 键 词: 美国 青少年 体适能 健康体适能 测试指标 规范参考标准

分 类 号: [G804.49]

领  域: []


