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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东财经大学

出  处: 《中国流通经济》 2012年第3期 76-81,共6页

摘  要: 文章从渠道分销商心理感知角度出发,实证分析了渠道建设中分销商公平感知与分销商战略信息分享之间的关系。研究结果表明,分销商对渠道关系的公平感知会影响分销商对渠道关系的评价,低劣的评价总是与低水平的分享意愿相联系,而良好的关系评价则是分销商愿意分享战略信息的前提;环境不确定性并不会对分销商战略信息分享行为产生直接的负向作用;渠道关系中的依赖不对称性也会使分销商与制造商的主要关注点发生变化,从而使影响分销商战略信息分享的因素也处于变化之中。为更好地与分销商共享战略信息,制造商应谨慎使用渠道权力,避免渠道伙伴的反感,应表现出增加渠道整体利益的意愿和承诺,并在政策完善、流程对接等方面提高分销商的程序公平感知,在利益分配的结果方面改善分销商的分配公平感知,减少分销商对分享战略信息可能存在风险的担忧。而依赖性较高的制造商应重视产品研发与供应链的整合,提供更多的渠道整体利润,积极利用分销商的战略信息升级产品,为双方带来额外利益,保证渠道关系长久发展。 Starting from the distributors' perception,the authors carry out an empirical research on the relation between the distributors' fairness perception and the strategic information sharing of distributors.To better share the strategic information with distributors,the manufacturers should,first,cautiously take advantage of their channel power in case of disgusted by their channel partners;second,they should demonstrate their willingness and commitment on increasing the overall benefit of the channel;third,they should improve the distributors' fairness perception in terms of policy improvement and process matching;and fourth,they should improve the distributors' fairness perception in terms of benefit distribution and minimize the distributors' risk and worries about strategic information sharing.And manufacturers with heavy dependence should pay more attention to the integration of product RD and the supply chain,contribute more to the overall benefit of the channel,take advantage of the upgraded product and bring the additional benefit for both of the two parties to guarantee the sustainable development of channel relation.

关 键 词: 战略信息分享 渠道公平 环境不确定性 依赖不对称性

分 类 号: [F713.1]

领  域: []


