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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东金融学院

出  处: 《预测》 2010年第4期 75-80,共6页

摘  要: 本文运用DEA和Malmquist指数,对广东各工业行业2001-2007年的技术效率、全要素生产率及其分解项目进行了测算。结果表明:广东省工业年均技术效率为0.59,TFP年平均环比增长幅度为10.2%,TFP对工业总产值增长的贡献为40%。建议广东工业应不断提升精细化管理水平;根据行业特征,引导行业向不同地区集聚,实现行业错位升级;积极培育支柱行业中的龙头企业,带动产业做强做大;警惕重化工业快速增长可能引起的产业结构失调风险。 This article use DEA and Malmquist index to analyse technology efficiency,the total factor productivity and its component.The conclusion is that the average of technical efficiency during 7years is 0.59,and the average of TFP change 10.2%,and TFP contribute 40% to the increase of total industry production value.The paper advise that government should promote the level of fine management of all kinds of industry,lead industry centralize toward to different district based on the character of industry,promote industry to upgrade by sort,cultivate the leading enterprise of backbone industry,impel leading enterprise to guide the whole industry,pay enough attention to the risk of industry structure unbalance by reason of the too quick increase of heavy chemical industry.

关 键 词: 效率 数据包络分析 曼奎斯特指数 全要素生产率

分 类 号: [F062.9]

领  域: []


