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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学哲学系

出  处: 《哲学分析》 2015年第4期28-37,共10页

摘  要: 从越界视角审视胡塞尔的现象学,不仅胡塞尔在意向性学说和范畴直观理论上的突破得到了新的理解,就连他在意识和自我这样的核心概念上对近代哲学的颠覆也可以更容易地为我们所确认。从越界视角审视海德格尔的存在论,我们会获得两个异于常识的观点:海德格尔早期所宣称的对胡塞尔现象学的越界是一种伪越界,他对存在、此在及其超越性的理解与胡塞尔的基本思想相去不远,他对此在的生存论分析甚至可以包容在胡塞尔的发生现象学之中;而海德格尔在中后期逐渐认识到的关于存在的自身隐匿性和归闭性的思想表明他已越过了意识现象学的疆界。此外,从越界视角阅读两篇书评,评论中关于海德格尔早期思想的价值、纯粹自我的直观可能性、意向相关项与时间图型的关联、还原的合法性以及反思的两难性等问题都可以得到别具一格的回应。 Viewing Husserl's philosophy from the perspective of the border-crossing phenomenon not only renders new understanding of Husserl's breakthrough in the theory of intentionality,but also confirm us his subversion of such concepts as consciousness and "I" of early modern philosophy mucheasier and better.Viewing Heidegger's existentialism from the perspective of the border-crossing phenomenon,we will obtain two ideas quite different from common knowledge:the border crossing of Husserl's phenomenology stated by early Heidegger is a pseudo-border crossing.His understanding concerning Being,Dasein and its transcendence is not far from Husserl's basic ideas and his existential analysis of Dasein can even be included in Husserl's genetic phenomenology; Heidegger's idea about the self-concealing and self-closing "character" of Being,which is gradually recognized by middle and late Heidegger,demonstrates that he has crossed beyond the domain of phenomenology.Furthermore,when the two book reviews are read from the perspective of the border-crossing phenomenon,one can get peculiar answers to the following problems,such as the possibility of intuition of pure ego,the relationship between noema and time scheme,the possibility of deepening of death understanding in the dimension of phenomenology of time,the validity of reduction and the dilemma of reflection.

关 键 词: 胡塞尔 海德格尔 现象学存在论 越界

分 类 号: [B94]

领  域: []


