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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学心理学系

出  处: 《心理科学进展》 2009年第1期17-21,共5页

摘  要: 物体识别的绩效随物体的视角变化而变化,这一物体识别的视角依赖现象引发了研究者对物体识别的机制的广泛讨论。有研究者认为,心理旋转是导致物体识别视角依赖的原因,而另一种观点认为物体识别中不包含心理旋转过程。两种观点都有来自于行为和神经机制两方面研究的证据。然而,现有的行为证据都是间接的证据,缺乏说服力。进一步的研究应注重直接操纵影响心理旋转与物体识别过程的因素,并把行为研究与能进行实时监测的眼动、脑成像等研究结合起来。 The performance of object recognition depends on the viewpoints of objects, which is very similar to the performance of mental rotation. Therefore, some researchers believe that mental rotation accounts for the viewpoint-dependence in object recognition. While others argue that object recognition is dissociated from mental rotation. There are a lot of behavioral and neurosciences research in support of both theories. However, most of the existing behavioral evidences are indirect and not convincing. Further researches are suggested to focus on directly manipulating the factors influencing mental rotation and object recognition. And behavioral experiments should be combined with such on-line techniques as eye-movement and neuroimaging in future research.

关 键 词: 物体识别 心理旋转 视角依赖

分 类 号: [B842.2]

领  域: []


