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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学历史学系

出  处: 《四川师范大学学报:社会科学版》 2017年第1期154-165,共12页

摘  要: 在对华冷战背景下,杜鲁门政府放弃了不介入西藏事务、承认西藏是中国领土组成部分的传统政策,开始考虑以涉藏心理战阻挠中国统一,给中共统治制造麻烦,分化中国与周边国家关系。建国之初,涉藏心理战引而不发。中苏结盟,特别是和平解放西藏的“十七条协议”签署后,美国积极寻求英印的支持,利用流亡藏人和西藏境内的“藏独”势力将该战略初步付诸实施。由于中国中央人民政府正确的治藏举措,加之印度的消极态度,杜鲁门政府的涉藏心理战并未达到预期目标,但它也开启了美国此后借西藏问题干涉中国内政的先河。 In the context of Cold War, the Truman Administration abandoned US' traditional policy of non-intervention in Tibetan affairs and recognized Tibet is a part of China. To forestall the unification of China, to put the CCP~s rule to trouble and to isolate China from its neighbors, President Truman began to designed psychological warfare strategy with respect to Tibet. At the early time of PRC, this strategy just indicated the motions. As China and the Soviet Union be- came allies and "Seventeen-Article Agreement" was signed, US strived to get supports from Brit- ain and India and exploit Tibetans pursuing "Tibet Independence" both at home and abroad to im- plement this strategy preliminarily. Because of CCP's successful governing of Tibet, and short- age of Indian's and Britain's coordination, the psychological warfare strategy with respect to Ti- bet didn't achieve the desirable objectives, but it became the pioneer of US~ intervention in China's internal affairs by so called "Tibetan Issue".

关 键 词: 涉藏心理战 杜鲁门政府 “十七条协议”

分 类 号: [D871.20]

领  域: []


