作 者: ;
机构地区: 南方医科大学
出 处: 《外语电化教学》 2016年第3期9-15,共7页
摘 要: 基于口语和写作的研究证明,停顿是了解认知过程的重要窗口。该研究借助口语和写作停顿研究的概念,以比较研究的视角考查新闻听写中母语者和二语学习者的停顿特征,获得关于听力认知过程的证据,为听力困难诊断提供实证参考。6位以英语为母语的外籍教师和32位英语专业二年级本科生作为研究参与者在定制的计算机软件中完成一项听写任务。听写过程中产生的停顿频数、停顿分布和停顿间的语丛长度被作为停顿指标进行对比。研究发现,母语者在上述三个指标上都与二语学习者存在显著性差异。研究结果表明,听写停顿可以用来诊断外语学习者的听力效率、语音感知和语义合成的困难。 A pause has been proved to be the window to the cognition of oral and written language processing. The present study uses it as a fresh concept in the field of listening research to comparatively examine the differences by the natives and the EFL learners in a self-controlled computer-based dictation task with the aim of providing empirical references for the diagnosis of learner's listening comprehension problems in EFL. Six foreign teachers who speak English as their first language and 32 sophomores majoring in English from a key university as the participants completed the task with a specialized software in a language lab. The frequency and distribution of the pauses produced during the dictation by the participants and the length of each chunk between two pauses were recorded and analyzed as the index of pause nature. The statistics results show that 1) learner's pause frequency is significantly higher than that of the native speaker; 2) BP,NJP,and Non make up most of the portion of learner's pauses while BC,BP and BS make up most of that by the natives; 3) learner's chunk is significantly shorter than the native's. It is indicated that the nature of the pauses in the dictation can be taken as the indicators of learner's problem in low listening efficiency,problematic phonological perception and parsing.
关 键 词: 认知研究 外语听力诊断 自主式听写 停顿 计算机辅助听力教学
分 类 号: [H319.3]
领 域: []