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作  者: ;

机构地区: 南方医科大学

出  处: 《医学与法学》 2012年第1期 49-53,共5页

摘  要: 作为现代医学科技进步发展的重要成果之一,器官移植为医学领域带来了革命性的变化.但是,器官的需求与供给严重失衡导致人体器官买卖现象大量产生.对此,支持方认为个人对自己本身的权益享有自主权.反对方则认为有违生命伦理.在分析人体器官买卖是否应合法化之争的基础上,结合国内外的相关立法状况.本文认为,我国立法应原则上禁止人体器官买卖,但在特殊情况下可允许活体器官捐献,并给予供体适当的补偿;同时,效仿美国设立相关管理机构,防止器官交易的产生. As one of the important achievements in modern medical science and technology development, organ transplants brought the revolutionary change in medical field. But, the imbalance between the supply and demand of organs proliferate buying and selling human organs. Based on this phenomenon, supporters think individ- uals enjoy the autonomy of their own rights, while the opposition think it violates life ethics. Based on the analysis of the legalization of buying and selling human organs, combining domestic and foreign relevant legislation, this paper puts forward the following suggestion: in China, buying and selling human organs should be banned in laws in principle, but in special circumstances living organ donation can be allowed, and give the donors appropriate compensation; meanwhile, we should follow the United States and set up relevant management institutions to prevent organ selling and buying.

关 键 词: 人体器官 器官移植 合法化 器官捐献

分 类 号: [R617]

领  域: []


