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作  者: ;

机构地区: 南方医科大学

出  处: 《中国农村卫生事业管理》 2015年第8期963-965,共3页

摘  要: 目的:了解广东省县级公立医院改革试点后医务人员的工作满意度.方法:采用随机抽样的方法,对省内7所试点县级医院共320名医务人员进行问卷调查,分析改革后其对工作时间、压力、待遇水平、工作环境、社会地位以及能力建设等方面评价.结果:与改革前相比,医务人员反映工作时间延长,工作压力增大,而收入却没有提高,对目前工作的满意度较低,且培训和继续教育机会很少,个人工作能力难以提升,工作积极性下降.结论:提高医务人员满意度应多部门协同联动,加大政府财政投入,改革工资补偿机制,建立健全激励机制,实行多种分配制度. Objective To analyze the changes of work satisfaction among medical staff in the reformed county public hospitals in Guangdong province,to find out the problems proposed by medical staff and to put forward some practical advice. Methods A total of 320 medical staff were chosen randomly and anonymously from seven reformed county public hospitals to participate in a self--designed questionnaire, which consisted of their real evaluation about work time, work pressure, income, work satisfaction and capacity building. Results After the reform, medical staff considered that work time lengthened, pressure increased, and income not improved. Besides, their working ability was hard to strengthen for the lack of opportunities to have training and continuing education. Conclusions In order to arouse their work enthusiasm, the county public hospitals, the government and related departments should work together to reform the payment mechanism and increase financial investment. Additionally,a sound motivation system should be set up to ensure the justice and satisfaction of distribution.

关 键 词: 县级公立医院 医务人员 满意度 广东省

分 类 号: [R197.3]

领  域: []


