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作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学公共管理学院

出  处: 《经济地理》 2016年第12期147-153,共7页

摘  要: 从土地发展权视角对中国土地管理的地方创新实践典型个案的分析表明,土地发展权理念已应用于地方土地政策制定并出现了私有化趋向,对解决当前土地管理中存在的征收补偿不公、建设用地指标空间配置等问题具有积极意义。对关于土地发展权权源与性质特征的认识分歧进行了澄清,研究认为土地发展权是私有产权与行政权综合作用的产物,兼有公共产权与私有产权的性质,是可与土地实体相分离的无体物权。基于上述理论分析与实践经验总结,对中国土地发展权制度建设提出以下建议:虚化土地公有产权的所有权性质,创设土地发展权制度;以行政许可的方式实现土地发展权“私有化”的初始配置,土地发展权收益则应通过税收调节的二次分配手段实现“公私分享”;结合城乡土地产权制度改革对土地发展权的配置方式、原则和手段进行具体的制度设计。 Analysis of typical cases of local institution innovation in the practices of land management in China indicates that the local governments have employed the concept of land development right(LDR) in making land policies and the allocation of LDRs has shown a trend of privatization, which exerts positive effects on solving some key problems such as the compensation of land expropriation and spatial distribution of construction land quota. It is pointed out that the land development right is created by the conflict between the private property right and the policy power, bears the nature of both public property right and private property righ and is a kind of intangible property right which can be separated from the land entity. Based on the theoretical exploration and the analysis of practical experiences, the following suggestions are given on the land institution improvement in China: set the present public land property as nominal property and construct the formal institution of land development right; allocate the LDR as private property initially by administrative licensing, the governments will share the land value increase by land value taxation; the land regulations of the urban and rural areas should be reformed as well by coordinating with LDR system.

关 键 词: 土地管理 土地产权 土地发展权 私有化 制度建设 中国

分 类 号: [F301.3]

领  域: []


