作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
出 处: 《经济学》 2008年第2期 961-982,共22页
摘 要: 本文将房价指数纳入新家庭经济学标准生育率方程中,运用Johansen检验与ECM模型对香港1971—2005年生育率、房价指数、女性劳动参与率、女性与男性实际工资年度序列展开协整分析,研究房价上涨对生育率的长期影响。研究结果表明:(1)生育率在长期中服从单位根过程,社会经济因素对家庭生育行为产生累积效应;(2)房价指数平均上涨1%,总和生育率将显著下降0.45%,该结论在一系列敏感性分析中保持稳健。我们的研究从实证上为新家庭经济学提供了来自新兴工业化地区的证据,这些证据与结论对中国在经济增长、城市化过程中人口政策的长期调整和住房价格的调控具有重要的参考意义。 This paper investigates the effect of increasing housing prices on Hong Kong's fertility rate. We employ the Johansen test and error correction model (ECM) to conduct a cointegration analysis between fertility, housing price index, female labor force participation rate, female wage, and male wage using data from 1971 to 2005. The main results are: (i) the fertility rate follows a unit root process, and socioeconomic shocks produce accumulative effects on fertility rate; (ii) a 1% increase of housing prices leads to a 0. 45% decrease in the total fertility rate, which is robust to several sensitivity tests using alternative measures of the total fertility rate. Our study enriches the New Family Economics by providing evidence from new industrialized areas, and has relevant implications for the reconsideration of China's strict population policy.
关 键 词: 房价上涨 总和生育率 JOHANSEN检验
分 类 号: [F299.27 C924.24]