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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《国外文学》 2008年第1期115-121,共7页

摘  要: 由于出生、养育环境等原因,日本著名作家芥川龙之介从小就为劣等感自卑所折磨。自卑决定了芥川的性格,同时也决定并导致其文艺风格以及创作内容随其心理变化而变化。深入分析芥川自卑感的成因以及芥川克服自卑的尝试,对于理解芥川文学具有重要意义。本文拟以心理学理论为指导,立足于芥川的生平,佐以其亲戚、朋友的证言,力图对该问题有新的认识。 Akutagawa Ryunosuke, the famous Japanese writer, was suffering from a complex caused by his class origin and growth environment ever since his childhood. The inferiority complex not only determined his personality traits and literary features, but also led to the causes of Akutagawa's complex and his attempts to overcome changes in his writing style. An analysis of the it is of great importance to the understanding of his works. This paper approaches this issue in a more comprehensive way, with the guidance of psychological theories and the testimony of his family and friends.

关 键 词: 精神分析 自卑 补偿 理智 文学创作

分 类 号: [I206.7 G444]

领  域: [] []


