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基金项目: 广东社科基金项目

申报时间: 2009-12-01

结项时间: 2013-12-01

成果名称: 《我国民族传统体育文化的价值结构研究》、《我国民族传统体育文化的传承模式》、《湛江与佛山两地人龙舞研究》

成果形式: 论文

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东海洋大学

出  处: 《南京体育学院学报:社会科学版》 2012年第4期32-40,共9页

摘  要: 通文献资料法、实地考察法、对比分析等方法,以粤西民族传统体育为研究对象。研究表明:粤西民族传统体育具有民族性、地域性、交融性、生活性的一般特征,同时具有海洋文化、农耕文化、舞蹈文化、灵巧文化的独特特征;粤西民族传统体育的保护主要有:非物质文化遗产中的法规保护,多种形式的教育保护,赛事、旅游形式的保护;粤西民族传统体育传承方式有:家族血缘性传承、收徒拜师性传承、地域民族性传承、学校社区性传承、比赛任务性传承;粤西民族传统体育发展存在的问题:理论性研究不够、保护与传承化环境恶化、当地的保护与传承意识谈化、传承人濒危后继乏人;粤西民族传统体育发展建议:加大多种形式的教育投入,重视对民族传统体育的环境保护与建设,发挥现代媒体的重要作用,做好民族传统体育的档案征集工作. By using the literature study, field trips, comparison and analysis and other methods. The study shows that the traditional national sports in Western Guangdong areas calxy the national, regional, blending, and living characteristics and contain the special characteristics of the ocean culture, farming culture, dancing, and motor dex- terity. The protection forms are the protection from the laws of Intangible Cultural Heritage, protection from various kinds of education, competitions and sports meets, and tourism. The inheriting patterns are: family and kinship in- heritance, master and apprentice inheritance ~ regional inheritance, school and community inheritance, events of com- petition inheritance. The problems are lack of theoretical study, the deterioration of the protection and inheritance, the lack of awareness of protection and inheritance locally, and the short of qualified successors when the masters or skillful practicers are aging. The paper calls for the strengthening of various kinds of investment to the traditional na- tional sports in the Western Guangdong areas, emphasis of the environment protection and construction of the ethnic sports, taking advantages of the modern media and the collection and perfection of the document of the traditional na- tional sports.

关 键 词: 粤西 民族传统体育 发展 研究

分 类 号: [G80-05]

领  域: []


