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Defects and Perfection of Procuratorial Suggestions on Administrative Enforcement of Law

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东海洋大学

出  处: 《政法论丛》 2017年第2期109-117,共9页

摘  要: 行政执法检察建议在促进行政机关依法行政、助推社会管理创新等方面发挥出了积极功效。但源于法治化程度不足而引致的正当性缺失与权威性贬损等原因,该机制在实践运作中暴露出种种缺陷。经由"法律"规范充足行政执法检察建议运行的正当性、规范其制发程序、提升其强制力、理性构建救济渠道,是克服缺陷、更好激发检察机关法律监督功效的应然诉求。 The procuratorial proposal on administrative enforcement of Law plays a positive role in promoting the administrative organs according to law, boosting social management innovation and so on. However, due to the lack of legitimacy caused by the lack of legitimacy and authority derogatory and other reasons, the mechanism in the practice of operation exposed various defects. It is necessary to overcome the shortcomings in order to give full play to the function of legal supervision of procuratorial organs, to standardize the legitimacy of its operation, to standardize its procedure, to enhance its coercive force and rationally construct relief channels.

关 键 词: 行政执法检察建议 检察建议 正当性

领  域: []


作者 伍劲松
作者 魏建文
作者 李健强
作者 李小花
作者 胡平


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学法学院
机构 暨南大学
