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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东医科大学外国语学院

出  处: 《河南科技大学学报:社会科学版》 2008年第2期 53-56,共4页

摘  要: 语用偏离是指人们偏离合作原则,打破常规使用语言以追求变异创新的表达效果。日常交际中,人们往往使用隐喻、戏仿、反讽、夸张、弱言、移就、闪避、冗言和双关等等偏离的辞格构成具体的言语策略,不仅成功地达到了交际效果,也创造了美学效果。 Pragmatic deviation results from violating the cooperative principle and then creatively breaking out convention of language. This paper analyzes conversational discourse in order to justify the art of speech strategies credited to the strategic employment of figure of speech such as metaphor, parody, irony, overstatement, understatement, Transferred Epithet, Ducking, Pleonasm, pun, which contributes to communicative effects as well as aesthetic effects.

关 键 词: 言语策略 语用偏离 辞格

分 类 号: [H030]

领  域: []


