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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州科技贸易职业学院

出  处: 《广州大学学报:社会科学版》 2008年第3期 84-87,共4页

摘  要: 晚唐诗人许浑其诗被不少诗家指为“气格卑弱”、“气未深厚”,此论实为不当。许浑诗歌无处不充满“气”,包含作者的人格情志之“气”、声律的抑扬顿挫之“气”、结构的整密严谨之“气”、辞句的工整精切之“气”。 Xu Hun who was born and grew up in late Tang Dynasty was an excellent but controversial poet. Quite a few poets have studied his poems from the perspective of Qi and there have been such comments as "lacking a heroic strain in his style" or "having a weak quality of Qi". These comments are not appropriate. The author of this paper holds that in fact Xu Hun' s poems are full of Qi, including the Qi in the poet' s ambitious character, the Qi in the rhythms of his poems and the Qi in the structures and neat and accurate figures of speech in his poems .

关 键 词: 气体 气韵 气势

分 类 号: [I207.22]

领  域: []


