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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学马克思主义学院

出  处: 《自然辩证法研究》 2015年第1期9-15,共7页

摘  要: 尽管大多数人并不否认主体的信念、期望等心理内容对行为的解释作用,但一个充满争议的问题就是意向解释是不是因果解释。本文尝试从因果观念入手,厘清目前西方心灵哲学对此问题研究的各种思路及问题所在,其研究趋势可归结为:第一,对原因和结果之间必须具备法则学特征的规律的要求逐渐被弱化;第二,因果关系在本体论上的实在地位逐步被弱化甚至消解。通过分析,最终表明解答此问题的关键在于如何描述因果关系、属性、定律等概念的本体论图景及其关联。 Although most people don't deny the explanatory roles of agent's belief and desire to action, a controversial issue is whether intentional explanation is causal explanation. This paper attempts to start from the concept of causality, clarify various ideas of the question in the current western philosophy of mind. The research trends can be summarized as: first, the requirement that cause and effect must have the rules of law was gradually weakened; second, the realism relation between cause and effect in ontology was gradually weakened and even disappeared. Through the analysis, the paper finally indicates that the key to answer this question is how to describe the ontological picture of the concept, such as causation, property, law, and so on, and the relationship between them.

关 键 词: 意向解释 因果关系 理由

分 类 号: [N031]

领  域: []


