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作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

出  处: 《人文地理》 2014年第2期144-149,共6页

摘  要: 本文以广州白云山作为研究对象,在前期采用“游客使用图片”(VEP)方法的基础上,构建了旅游地的地方依恋结构模型。基于1947份问卷数据,运用结构方程模型的验证性因素分析方法对旅游地地方依恋的结构进行检验,分析结果显示了旅游地的地方依恋结构与数据拟合良好,修正后的旅游地的地方依恋结构更加清晰、信度与效度更加理想,同时验证了地方依恋的二阶因子结构,即旅游地地方依恋的结构由环境景观维度、休闲维度、人际社交维度和设施服务维度4个维度及16个具体特质指标构成。 In the earlier period, we adopted the method of VEP(the Visitor Employed Picture)and constructed the model of structure of place attachment in tourism destination (published in the other journal). Based on this, we selected those tourists who have been to Mr. Baiyun for over 2 times as the targets of the research. Prior to the formal investigation, we accumulated 50 samples as pre-investigation, and the value of Cron- bach's alpha has reached above 0.8, showing that the reliability of this survey is relatively higher. The paper applied the confirmatory factor analysis method of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)to verify the struc- ture of place attachment in tourism destination. W selected x2/df, GFI, AGFI, PGFI, RMR as well as RM- SEA to evaluate the degree of fitness between the primary model and the data. Result showed that the struc- ture of place attachment in tourism destination fits the data well. Among them, first of all, the quotient of the effect of environmental landscape dimension on the place attachment is 0.88, in other words, the stronger tourists' sense towards the environment-landscape dimension, the more smoothly the place attachment will be formed. Secondly, the quotient of the effect of leisure dimension on place attachment is 0.91, that is, the tourists' stronger sense towards leisure dimension, the more smoothly the place attachment will be formed. Thirdly, the quotient of the effect of human-social dimension on the place attachment is 0.82, which is to say, the stronger tourists' sense towards social-human dimension, the more smoothly the place attachment will be formed. Lastly, the quotient of the effect of the facility-service on the place attachment is 0.66, which means that the stronger tourists' sense towards facility-service, the more smoothly the place attachment will be formed.

关 键 词: 地方依恋 结构 验证性因素分析

分 类 号: [F59]

领  域: []


