机构地区: 华中科技大学社会学院,湖北武汉430074
出 处: 《重庆社会科学》 2017年第7期53-60,共8页
摘 要: 老年健康问题一直是社会学研究中备受关注的主题,但是鲜有研究将之放置在城镇化背景下加以考察。文章从老年人口流动的视角,利用2015年国家卫生计生委流动人口监测数据,采用有序Logistic回归分析方法,着重从社会支持和医疗福利角度分析影响流动老人健康差异的因素。研究发现:第一,个体特征方面,性别、年龄、教育程度、健康行为、慢性病史等特征对流动老人健康自评具有显著影响;第二,社会支持方面,流入地的配偶支持、家庭经济支持以及朋友数量对流动老人健康自评具有显著正向影响;第三,医疗福利对健康自评有显著影响,公平享受流入地公共医疗服务的流动老人健康自评较为积极。建立有效的社区支持和均等化的健康促进体系,成为应对流动老人健康风险的政策选择。 The health of the old people is one of the research foci in the area of sociology for a long period. However, few studies have investigated the topic on account of urbanization. This paper utilizes the dynamic monitoring data of floating population from National Health and Family Planning Commission in 2015, and employs the method of orderly logistic regression analysis to explore the factors influencing the health disparity of the floating old people. The results are as follows. First, personal characteristics such as gender, age, education level, healthy behavior and chronic illness exert a significant influence on their health self-evaluation. Second, the family income per month and marriage and number of friends have a positive influence on the old people' s own health evaluation. Third, public health care or rather equal health care also promotes the result of their self-evaluation. Therefore, the establishment of effective community support and equal health promoting system is a key way to cope with the health risk of the floating old people.