机构地区: 南京大学,江苏南京210023
出 处: 《技术经济与管理研究》 2017年第8期3-8,共6页
摘 要: 在国际旅游情境下,文章将韩国作为目的地国家,以旅韩中国游客为问卷调查对象,使用结构方程模型方法,检验国家形象、游客满意度、重游意向之间的关系,研究发现:国家形象由宏观国家形象和微观国家形象构成,宏观国家形象包括国家能力、国民特征、环境管理、宏观国家情感形象四个维度,微观国家形象包括旅游吸引物、微观国家情感形象两个维度;宏观国家形象中的国家能力因子通过游客满意度的完全中介作用间接影响重游意向;微观国家形象中的旅游吸引物因子既直接影响又间接影响重游意向;宏观国家形象中的国家能力因子和宏观国家情感形象因子对游客满意度有显著直接影响,微观国家形象中的微观国家情感形象因子对游客满意度有显著直接影响;旅游吸引物因子和国民特征因子显著直接影响宏观国家情感形象和微观国家情感形象。 In the context of international tourism, the study regards Korea as the destination country and tests Chinese outbound tourists to South Korea. This study uses structural equation modeling to examine the causal relationships among country image, tourist satisfaction and revisit intention. The empirical results show that country image may consist of macro country image and micro country image; macro country image is composed of four dimensions: country competence, people character, environmental management, macro affective country image; micro country image is composed of tourism attractions and micro affective country image. Macro cognitive country image is related to tourists' revisit intentions through tourist satisfaction as an intermediate variable in the dimension of country competence. Micro cognitive country image is significantly related to revisit intention only in the dimension of tourism attractions. Macro cognitive country image is significantly related to tourist satisfaction in the dimension of country competence; macro affective country image is significantly related to tourist satisfaction, and micro affective country image is significantly related to tourist satisfaction. The dimension of people character and tourism attractions in cognitive country image is significantly related to macro and micro affective country.