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Effects of structural characteristics on the productivity of shale gas wells:A case study on the Jiaoshiba Block in the Fuling Shale gasfield,Sichuan Basin

作  者: (胡明); (黄文斌); (李加玉);

机构地区: 西南石油大学地球科学与技术学院 天然气地质四川省重点实验室

出  处: 《天然气工业》 2017年第8期31-39,共9页

摘  要: 为了厘清不同构造特征对页岩气井产能的影响机理,从分析四川盆地涪陵页岩气田焦石坝区块的构造特征入手,结合190多口水平井的试气情况,系统解剖了构造对页岩气井产能的影响情况,明确了焦石坝区块不同构造单元影响页岩气井产能的主要构造因素。研究结果表明:①焦石坝区块不同构造单元之间,构造特征差异明显,构造变形强度也不尽相同;②构造特征对页岩气产能的影响直接表现在对含气性和压裂改造效果上,构造变形越强烈、大规模断裂及天然裂缝越发育,越易于页岩气的逸散、含气性越差,反之含气性则越好;③构造变形越强烈、裂缝越发育、埋深越大、负向构造压应力越大,压裂改造效果越差,反之改造效果则越好;④构造因素是控制焦石坝区块不同构造单元之间页岩气产能差异的主要原因,但不同构造单元之间控制产能的构造因素存在着差异。 For the sake of figuring out the influential mechanisms of structural characteristics on the productivity of shale gas wells, the structural characteristics of the Jiaoshiba Block in the Fuling Shale gasfield, Sichuan Basin, were analyzed. Then, based on well test data of more than 190 horizontal wells, the effects of structures on shale gas well productivity were discussed systematically, and the main structural factors of different structural units in the Jiaoshiba Block that influence the productivity of shale gas wells were clarified. The following results were obtained. First, the structural units in the Jiaoshiba Block were obviously different in structural characteristics and their deformation strength is different. Second, the influence of structural characteristics on shale gas well productivity is directly mani- fested in gas-bearing property and fracturing effect. The stronger the structural deformation and the more developed the large faults and natural fractures, the more easily shale gas escapes and the poorer the gas bearing property will be, and vice versa. Third, The stronger the structural deformation, the more developed the fractures, the greater the burial depth and the higher the compressive stress of nega- tive structures, the worse the fracturing effect will be, and vice versa. And fourth, Tectonics is the key factor controlling the difference of shale gas productivity between different structural units in the Jiaoshiba Block, but the main structural factors influencing the productivi- ty are different in different structural units.

关 键 词: 四川盆地 涪陵页岩气体 焦石坝 页岩气 构造特征 含气性 压裂 生产能力




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