作 者: (朱冬);
机构地区: 厦门大学知识产权研究院
出 处: 《知识产权》 2017年第8期58-63,共6页
摘 要: 宣告注册商标无效的五年期间的经过,使得商标注册获得了程序上的不可争议性。在先权利人在五年期间届满后仍然可以向在后商标注册人提起民事侵权之诉。当然,如果在先权利人存在懈怠行使权利、放任侵权行为发生,在后商标权利人因长期使用使得商标获得了一定知名度的情况下,法院可以考虑从侵权救济手段——即损害赔偿和停止侵害——方面对在先权利的保护进行限制。 Upon exhaustion of the five-year period for motion of invalidation of a trademark registration, the trademark becomes incontestable in registration procedure. However, the owner of earlier rights could still file law suits against the later registered trademark holder for civil torts in courts. If the owner of earlier rights acquiesces the registration of the later trademark and did nothing to prevent the infringing acts, therefore, the later registered trademark holder gains public resignation through continuous use of the said trademark, the court should consider limiting the remedies, either damages or injunctions, provided to the owner of earlier rights.