机构地区: 重庆化工职业学院,重庆401228
出 处: 《煤矿机械》 2017年第8期64-67,共4页
摘 要: 建立了复式夹持器联动系统的传递函数,分析了造成夹持器回夹缺陷的主要因素,采用由阻尼器及蓄能器组成的修正装置对夹持器联动系统进行了校正,并以某型钻机为例,运用仿真软件AMESIM对校正前后的系统进行了对比仿真分析,通过实验验证了校正方法的可行性。 Established the transfer function of double clamp linkage system, analyses the main factors causing the holder to clamp the defects, by damper and energy storage device composed of correction for the correction of the gripper linkage system, and a certain type of drilling rig as an example, using the AMESIM simulation software to the system before and after correction compared the simulation analysis through the experiment to verify the feasibility of the calibration method.