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Measuring life quality: The Triangle of the Golden Domains

作  者: (罗伯特); (李敬);

机构地区: 澳大利亚迪肯大学,墨尔本VIC3125

出  处: 《残疾人研究》 2017年第2期14-22,共9页

摘  要: 生活质量存在于两个相互独立的领域,一个是客观性领域,很多人都基本可以证实同一结果,另一个是主观性领域,由不同个体体验的情感组成。本文关注主观性领域、主观福祉动态平衡理论和测量问题。经验性检测需要依靠有效可信的数据,人们使用最多的测量手段是以领域为单位、依两个重要原则建构的。一是不论残障与否,测量工具适用于所有人,确保判断生活质量的标准普遍适用。二是测量工具应力求简约,因为潜在领域数量可能极其可观,所以人们在决定领域取舍时应严格使用标准。个人福祉指数就符合上述原则。个人福祉指数的建构源自"对生活总体满意"初级层次的拆解。金钱、人际关系和成就感所形成的"金三角"体现出残障者和非残障者获得资源支持的关键。因此,为了有助于将主观福祉维持在正常水准,我们需要针对上述三个领域提供服务。 Quality of life exists in two discrete dimensions. One is objedive, where measures can be verified by multiple people. The other dimension is subjective, comprising feelings which con only be experienced by each individual person. This paper concerns the subjective dimension, the Theory of Subjective Wellbeing Homeostasis, and issues of measurement. Empirical testing of relevant theories depend on valid and reliable data. This is most robustly achieved by domain-based scales, constructed in accordance with two impatient principles. First, any scale must be applicable for oil people, whether they hove o disability or not. This ensures that the some standards, used to judge life quality, are applied universally. Second, that the scales should be parsimonious. Since the potential number of potential domains is very high, strict criteria need to be applied to determine their choice. The Personal Wellbeing Index meets these criteria. Its construction is determined as the first-level deconstruction of 'satisfaction with life as a whole' . Moreover, three of the resulting seven domains as, money, relationships, and achieving, form the 'Golden Domain Triangle' , representing the key resources supporting homeostasis for both disabled and non-disabled people. It is concluded that service provision should target these three domains in order to facilitate normal levels of subjective wellbeing.

关 键 词: 生活质量测量 生活领域 主观福祉 动态平衡理论


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作者 由健


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机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南农业大学公共管理学院


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