机构地区: 长安大学实验室与设备管理处,陕西西安710064
出 处: 《西安科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第1期87-91,96,共6页
摘 要: “一带一路”是“21世纪海上丝绸之路”和“丝绸之路经济带”的简称,共涉及64个国家,核心地带是海上“东南亚、南亚国家”和内陆“中亚五国”,其中就包括泰国。中泰两国地缘相近,血缘相亲。据《汉书·地理志》记载,早在西汉两国就有友好往来。新中国成立以后,中秦传统友谊不断深化。在此背景下泰国汉语教学发展迅速,近年来的成绩在东南亚国家乃至世界范围内堪称楷模,其成功的推广模式值得借鉴,同时也应给予理性的思考。 The Belt and Road(B&R) is the abbreviation of"Silk Road Economic Zone" and"the 21s' century Maritime Silk Road," which totally contains 64 countries, including Thailand. Thailand is closely bound up with China in geography and blood relationship. According to the "Han" records, the two countries have friendly exchanges during the era of the Western Han Dynasty. Since the founding of New China, the traditional friendship between China and Thailand is deepening unceasingly. Thus, Chinese Teaching in Thailand has been developing rapidly and worth being a great example for Southeast Asia and even in the whole world. The successful Chinese promotion is not only worth learning, but also worthy of rational thinking.