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On Western Teacher Education Research Paradigms and Their Shifts

作  者: (裴淼); (靳伟); (李肖艳); (贾玉玲);

机构地区: 教育部普通高校人文社会科学重点研究基地北京师范大学教师教育研究中心,北京100875

出  处: 《教师教育研究》 2017年第4期105-114,共10页

摘  要: 基于文献的阅读梳理,发现教师教育研究经历了实证主义、建构主义和后现代主义三种不同的范式。在内外部因素影响下,三种范式经历博弈、转向,最终走向了和谐共存。教师教育研究主体从教师教育领域之外的研究者,到专业研究者,目前融入了一线教师以及教育行政机构的人员,研究提倡多元主体的沟通对话和平等协作。教师教育研究内容从关注教师外在行为到教师知识、认知和思维等,研究主题日益丰富。教师教育研究方法从量化研究、质性研究,到多种研究方法的补充发展。本文借用中国传统文化中动态八卦图以及"和"的概念表达对西方教师教育研究三种范式起承转合的理解,并进一步讨论了范式转向对于中国教师教育研究的启示。 Western Teacher education research has being going through three paradigms: positivism, constrnctivism and post-modernism. These three paradigms, with the imposing internal and external influences, have experienced battles and shifts, and finally come to coexistence with harmony. The research subjects began with experts from other fields of study, and then continued with special teacher education researchers and have moved on currently to teachers or staff from schools, from teacher-continuing education institutes and/or staff from governmental educational authorities. Furthermore, more equal conversations and cooperation between these subjects are especially encouraged. With these paradigm shifts, research focu- ses have varied accordingly, from teacher' s external behaviors, to teacher' s knowledge, and then to teacher' s cognition and thinking. The current themes are of variety and diversity. Research method was dominated by quantitative method, then by qualitative method and now by a variety of methods that complement and flourish with each other. With understanding of the paradigm shifts and reference of Chinese Taiji culture, we reconstruct these paradigms and their transitions by a "He" Model. In the end, indications for Chinese teacher education research from the exploration of the paradigm shifts are also made.

关 键 词: 西方教师教育研究范式 范式转向 多元范式


作者 周超
作者 刘阐军
作者 黄友安
作者 曾文婕


机构 深圳大学师范学院
机构 香港中文大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院行政管理研究中心
机构 华南师范大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚