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An Empirical Analysis of the Equilibrium Development of Special Education in China during the Past Decade:Based on the Measuring and Decomposing of Generalized Entropy Index

作  者: (李欢); (彭燕); (汪甜甜); (杨爱佳); (李翔宇);

机构地区: 西南大学教育学部特殊教育学院,重庆400715

出  处: 《教育学报》 2017年第4期89-97,共9页

摘  要: 特殊教育均衡发展对保障特殊儿童平等受教育权利有重要意义。采用广义熵指数作为测度方法,对近十年来我国特殊教育均衡发展总体水平、特殊教育学校入学率、生均经费支出、生均建筑面积、生师比以及毕业率等指标进行实证分析。数据显示:(1)我国特殊教育均衡发展水平日趋提升;(2)区域内部差异是构成全国特殊教育区域差异的主要因素,区域之间差异的影响较小,两者均趋于缩小;(3)西部地区的内部差异对区域差异的影响最大,东部地区内部差异居中,中部地区内部差异最小;(4)五项指标差异大小依次为:生均经费支出>生师比>生均建筑面积>特殊教育学校入学率>毕业率。依据我国特殊教育区域均衡发展现状及发展态势,在未来发展过程中,应注意日趋改善,精准扶持西部,东部引领,提升中部。 The equilibrium development of special education is essential to guarantee the educational rights of exceptional children. The research measured the overall level of equilibrium development of spe- cial education, enrollment rate of special education school, per-student educational expenditure, per- student construction area, and student-teacher ratio during the past decade from 2006 to 2015, based on the Generalized Entropy Index. The results show that 1) the overall level of equality development has been gradually improved; 2) the internal difference within regions was mainly responsible for the nationwide in- equality of special education, while the influence of the difference across regions was relatively small, and both types of difference were becoming smaller; 3) the internal inequality of western area has the greatest impact on the inequality of different regions, while the inequality of the middle area was the smallest and the inequality in the eastern area was in between~ and 4) the inequality extent of the five measured indexes can be ranked as follows, per-student educational expenditure〉 student-teacher ratio〉per-student con- struction area〉enrollment rate of special education school〉graduation rate of special education school. According to the status quo and development trend of the equilibrium development of special education in China, in the future development process, we should make effort for gradual improvement, greatly sup- porting the west area, leading the eastern area and enhancing the central area.

关 键 词: 特殊教育 均衡发展 广义熵指数


作者 黄尧
作者 谢爱华
作者 张栋贤
作者 叶淑芬
作者 黄小娟


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚