作 者: (朱晓宏);
机构地区: 首都师范大学教育学院,北京100048
出 处: 《教育学报》 2017年第4期32-36,共5页
摘 要: 自古希腊以来,"哲学"的原意即"爱智慧",而古希腊哲人崇尚的智慧是对思想进行思想。《教育哲学》作为与哲学有着本然联系的一门教育学专业基础课程,理应以唤醒学生的"智慧之爱"作为教的起点,以体验"思"的活动构成其日常教学生活的基调,以"做哲学"的行动过一种理论生活。在教育哲学的教学过程中,学生与经典相遇,与哲人对话,理论的力量、学术的力量会在无形中滋润其头脑,改善其思维。思、学、行——如此真实地具身化地融入其日常学习生活之中,这正是一种理论生活样式。对于一个人而言,一旦真实地体验着一种理论生活,就意味着走出柏拉图所喻之"洞穴"。 If we consider love of wisdom in eyes of ancient Greeks as the eternal pursuit of philosophy learning, love of wisdom should be the starting point of the curriculum and teaching design of the course- philosophy of education, by which teachers surpass the teaching of conceptual knowledge and arouse students' love of wisdom. In the process of studying the history of philosophy and reading the works of philosophers, we try to go back to the origin where philosophy and education firstly met. From there, students can intuitively and sensitively understand the confusion of ancient sages, and experience thinking and feeling love of wisdom. The encounters between students and the classics, the dialogue between students and philosophers, the power of theory and the power of scholarship will edify students' mind and change their thinking imperceptibly. In a word, thinking, learning and doing integrate into students' daily life in such a true and physical way that it forms a theoretical life style.