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The Significance and Implementation Approach of Information Disclosure at Non-governmental Institutions of Higher Learning:Taking Fujian as an Example

作  者: (张龙燕);

机构地区: 福州大学,福建福州350116

出  处: 《浙江树人大学学报》 2017年第3期24-29,共6页

摘  要: 民办高校信息公开,关系到与社会公众利益密切相关的教育公开透明问题,也关系到民办高等教育的可持续发展问题,对保障公民高等教育知情权、提升民办高校社会公信力和推动民办高校现代大学制度建设等方面均具有重要意义。针对民办高校信息公开难以实质性推进的现状,亟须高度重视民办高校信息公开建设,切实转变观念,加强制度设计,发挥政府、社会和高校三方合力,激发民办高校实施信息公开的主动意识与内生动力,着力构建符合民办高校自身特点的信息公开体系与长效保障机制。 Information disclosure at non-governmental institutions of higher learning is closely related to the social and public interests of education fairness and transparency,and the sustainable development of non-governmental higher education. It helps to protect citizens' right to know higher education,to improve the social credibility of non-governmental institutions of higher learning and promote the realization of modern university system in non-governmental institutions of higher learning. In view of the current difficult situation of information disclosure at non-governmental institutions of higher learning,it must pay more attention to the development of information disclosure,change the concept and strengthen the system design,play the role of government,society,and colleges,stimulate the initiative and internal demand for information disclosure,and construct the information disclosure system and long-term security mechanism which are closely linked to the characteristics of non-governmental institutions of higher learning.

关 键 词: 民办高等教育 民办高校 信息公开 福建


作者 戴建新
作者 刘曼琴
作者 陈小平
作者 陈肖生
作者 黄菲菲


机构 广东培正学院
机构 广东白云学院
机构 广东科技学院
机构 华南师范大学增城学院
机构 广东技术师范学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚