机构地区: 郑州兴和路业技术有限公司,郑州450016
出 处: 《石油沥青》 2017年第4期1-4,共4页
摘 要: 综述了当前我国公路半刚性基层透层乳化沥青渗透能力的测试方法和评价指标的缺陷,针对现阶段我国对透层乳化沥青渗透性评价方法的盲目性和评价指标的随意性,提出用乳化沥青在堆积砂中的渗透效果模拟乳化沥青在半刚性基层的渗透性能,分析现阶段常用的普通乳化沥青和高渗乳化沥青经试验得到的渗透效果,进而研究出透层乳化沥青渗透性的量化评定指标。 Summarize current test methods and indices for evaluation of permeability of emulsified as- phalt for prime coat on the layer of semi - rigid base and show the defects in our country. Aiming at blindness and randomness for evaluation of permeability of emulsified asphalt for prime coat, put forward a new method that emulsified asphalt permeating in Standard Sands simulated emulsified asphalt permeating in semi - rigid base. Test the permeability of PC and high permeability emulsified asphalt according to this new method , and then put forward Quantitative indices for evaluation of permeability of emulsified asphalt for prime coat.