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On the Highway-side Slope Greening in China

作  者: (侯阳);

机构地区: 沈阳农业大学林学院,辽宁沈阳110161

出  处: 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第2期231-236,共6页

摘  要: 随着大型公路项目建设发展,公路边坡绿化已经成为工程关注的热点。各种公路工程所形成的斜坡、堤坝、坡岸和坡地,以及侵蚀、滑坡和泥石流等自然力量形成的山坡、岸坡和斜坡等,都统称为公路边坡。目前中国各级公路边坡频繁出现的滑坡、泥石流和水土流失等问题,许多原因都是公路边坡绿化没有处理好造成的结果。公路边坡具备固土护坡,提高边坡稳定性;恢复边坡植被,保护公路环境;美化公路环境,改善公路景观;保护生物多样性,保护生态环境;提高公路交通安全性,降低公路噪音;调解公路周围小气候,净化道路环境空气。公路边坡绿化应该坚持保证地质稳定的安全性原则,保护自然环境的生态性原则,遵循绿色低碳的经济性原则,综合防护功能的系统性原则,植物防护优先的景观性原则。中国公路景观规划设计需要不断学习、吸收国外公路边坡建设的成功经验,结合中国公路自身特点形成系统可行的公路边坡建设体系。 Large-scale highway construction projects have made highway-side slope greening a hot topic of engineering. The highway-side slope generally refers to both the slope, dam, slope bank and sloping field, which are artificially constructed in all kinds of highway engineering, and the hillside, slope bank and slope, which are caused by natural forces such as erosion, landslide and debris flow. Such problems as landslide, debris flow and water and soil loss, which frequently arise in the highway-side slopes at all levels in China, are largely caused by the failure of the hlghway-side slope greening. The highway-side slope helps stabilize the side-slope soil, restore the highway- side vegetation, beautify the highway environment and landscape, protect the biological diversity and ecological environment, improve the safety of highway traffic, reduce the highway noise, modify the micro climate surrounding the highway, and purify the air surrounding the highway. The highway-side slope greening should stick to the following principles: ensuring the geological stability, protecting the natural environment, being green and low- carbon, providing the comprehensive prevention and protection, and treating the plant-based prevention and protection as the priority among the priorities in the highway landscape construction. Also, the Chinese highway landscape planning should keep learning and absorbing the successful experience of foreign countries in the highway-side slope building and combine the foreign experience with the the characteristics of the Chinese highway so as to form a systematic feasible highway-side slope building system.

关 键 词: 公路边坡 边坡绿化 规划设计 生态环境 灌木植物


作者 鄢玉婷
作者 梁金容
作者 王立虹
作者 赵虎
作者 肖森昌


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东省社会科学院
机构 华南农业大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚