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Operation Strategies for the Youth Entrepreneurship Base on Both Sides of the Chinese Taiwan Straits

作  者: (戴雪文);

机构地区: 黎明职业大学经济管理学院,福建泉州362000

出  处: 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第2期161-165,共5页

摘  要: 海峡两岸青年创业基地已成为两岸青年成长成才成功的重要平台,也是两岸青年携手共圆"中国梦"的重要载体。目前,两岸青年创业基地存在运营模式缺乏特色、市场缺位、统筹失调、资源整合不力和发展后劲不足等问题。针对这些问题,从结合地方经济转型升级、坚持市场主导方向、加强统筹协调能力、大力推动校企合作和挖掘高等学校创新人才共五个方面提出提升两岸青年创业基地运营效率的策略。通过建设一系列两岸青年创业基地,可以促进两岸青年情感趋融、价值趋近、认同趋合和命运趋同,实现海峡两岸和平发展。 The youth entrepreneurship base on both sides of the Taiwan straits has become both an important platform for young people on both sides of the Taiwan straits to grow up and succeed and an important carrier for them to realize "the Chinese Dream" hand in hand. Currently, however, problems exist in this base, such as the operation mode lacking of characteristics, the market being absent, the plan failing to be made as whole, the resources failing in full integration and the development lacking staying power. To solve the problems above, the following strategies for the improvement of the operation efficiency of the base are proposed: the base operation should combine with the transformation of local economy, orient itself towards market, strengthen comprehensive planning and coordination, make every effort to promote the school-enterprise cooperation and explore innovative personnel from institutions of higher learning. Constructing a series of youth entrepreneurship bases on both sides of the Taiwan straits will promote both the integration and agreement of the youth on both sides of the Taiwan straits in emotion, values, identity and destiny and the peace and development on both sides of the straits.

关 键 词: 两岸关系 青年创业基地 运营策略 台湾地区


作者 李仕燕
作者 东方
作者 王西营
作者 牛伟静
作者 翟爱梅


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 电子科技大学中山学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东青年职业学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚