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Prosperity of Legalist School and Death of the Second Emperor

作  者: (宋洪兵);

机构地区: 中国人民大学国学院,北京100086

出  处: 《求是学刊》 2017年第4期142-151,共10页

摘  要: 秦朝时期,韩学极盛。韩非子的《五蠹》《孤愤》等名篇在秦王嬴政(秦始皇)时代便传入秦国,从而开启了"韩学"的实践与研究之门。嬴政对韩非子的欣赏,秦朝的政治实践、制度创设以及李斯与秦二世之间有关韩非子思想的讨论,构成了韩非子学说与秦朝的历史交集。韩非子思想确实对嬴政、秦二世、李斯均产生过影响,然而,秦二世、李斯对韩非子思想的理解,多为偏颇与片面的理解,甚至是完全错误的理解。秦朝政治实践背离了韩非子的基本政治原理。从最严格的标准来看,韩非子强调君权至尊,尽管他在理论上强调了君主应该遵守君道,但在实际政治领域却又未能提出有效约束君权的措施,势必导致君主滥权。作为一个思想家,韩非子对秦朝暴政及二世而亡,应该负有一定历史责任,但仅局限于作为一个特定历史时代的思想家所应承担的责任。有效约束君权,并非先秦时期的思想家所能解决的政治理论问题。 In Qin Dynasty, Legalist School is prosperous. Wu Du and Lonely Anger by Han Fei-zi are spread into Qin Kingom during the reign of Emperor Ying-zheng, which starts the practice and study of "Legalist School". The appreciation of Emperor Ying-zheng, the political practice in Qin Dynasty, systematic establish- ment as well as discussion of ideas of HAN Fei-zi between LI Si and the Second Emperor contribute to the spreading of Legalist School in Qin Dynasty historically. Ideas of HAN Fei-zi influence definitely Emperor Ying-zheng, the Second Emperor and LI Si. However, the Second Emperor and LI Si' s understanding of HAN Fei-zi is partial and incomplete, even wrong. Politics in Qin Dynasty is away from basic ideas of HAN Fei-zi. According to the most strict standard, HAN Fei-zi emphasizes supremacy of right of emperor, though he theo- retically claims that emperor should follow his standard. But in real political field, he cannot put forward effec- tive means to restrain right of emperor, which may lead to the unrestraint of the right. As a thinker, HAN Fei- zi should shoulder some responsibility of the tyranny and death of the Second Emperor of Qin Dynasty, but just within the responsibility of a thinker in a given historical era. Restraint of right of emperor is not a political the- oretical issue which can be solved by a thinker in pre-Qin period.

关 键 词: 韩非子 秦王嬴政 秦二世 李斯


作者 叶永新
作者 王吉梅
作者 陈冬
作者 周炽成
作者 陈苏方


机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 广州大学人文学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚