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Research on the Support of Standard of Implementation of Law:Comparative Analysis and Policy Recommendations

作  者: (于连超);

机构地区: 中国标准化研究院,北京100191 清华大学,北京100084

出  处: 《求是学刊》 2017年第4期91-97,共7页

摘  要: 作为政府规制的工具,标准可以有效规制外部性和信息不对称。标准与法律均强调利益相关方参与决策,法律程序与标准制定程序也都强调自治性。标准支撑是法律实施的重要机制,标准支撑法律实施能够获得诸多效益。标准支撑法律实施需要更新维护、合格评定和市场监督等机制的配合。现阶段,我国应放松政府管制,不断完善立法引用标准的配套机制,将法律实施与标准制定关系法制化,以充分利用标准资源支撑法律的实施。 As the tool of government regulation, standards can regulate externalities and information asymme- try effectively. Both standards and laws emphasize stakeholder's participation in decision-making. Both legal and standard-setting procedures emphasize autonomy, and there is a high degree of fit in value orientation. Standard support is an important mechanism for the implementation of law. The EU has established a systemat- ic mechanism to support legal enforcement. Standard support law enforcement can achieve many benefits. Standard supports implementation of law needs program maintenance, conformity assessment and market sur- veillance mechanisms. In China, standardization has been highly valued by the central government. But we have not yet established a systematic system to support the implementation of the law. At present, we should relax government regulation and enrich the civil standard resources. Government should participate as equals in standardization activities, and continue to improve mechanisms of use standard and legalize the relationship between the implementation of law and the standard-setting so as to take advantage of standard resources to support implementation of the law.

关 键 词: 法的实施 标准化法 合格评定 国际标准化组织


作者 董立山
作者 董淳锷
作者 葛洪义
作者 李莫愁
作者 谢惠加


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 惠州学院
机构 香港中文大学
机构 中山大学法学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚