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An Exploration into the Influence of Stimulation Distance of Stimulus Information on Design Thinking based on EEG Alpha Activity

作  者: (袁萍); (熊艳); (李彦); (刘龙繁); (李梦蝶);

机构地区: 四川大学制造科学与工程学院,成都610065

出  处: 《机械工程学报》 2017年第15期40-48,共9页

摘  要: 研究基于知识联系对产品设计的重要性,将设计思维理解为一种核心是建立知识联系的信息处理机制,认为激励信息和设计问题协同作用产生想法,且二者的领域距离是影响知识联系的关键因素之一。由此将激励信息划分为领域内、近领域和远领域三种抽象层次,进行以自行车设计为设计任务的脑电(Electroencephalogram,EEG)实验,采集并处理1个自由设计任务和3个信息激励设计任务中8名被试认知活动数据及EEGα波(包括高波和低波)数据。认知活动数据分析证实了想法产生的思维过程以知识联系为核心。以经典多用途(Alternative uses,AU)任务实验作为大脑活动分析的参考,EEGα波活动数据的方差分析表明,在自由设计任务和AU任务中,设计者的α高、低波同步性没有显著性差异;同时,在信息激励任务中α高、低波同步性高于自由设计任务,说明设计者在信息激励任务中表现出更专注的设计认知过程;任务、脑区等因素的多重比较则显示信息激励距离和大脑活动水平存在一定关系。 Based on the importance of knowledge connection to product design, design thinking is regarded as an information processing mechanism whose core is establishing knowledge connection, and stimulus information and design problems are believed to be able to effect synergistically in idea generation. More importantly, one of the key factors that influences knowledge connection is the knowledge domain distance between stimulus information and design problems. Based on that, stimulus information is divided into three levels of abstraction, ‘intra-domain', ‘close inter-domain' and ‘far inter-domain', and Electroencephalogram(EEG) experiment about bicycle designing task is conducted. The cognitive activity data and EEG alpha band(lower alpha band and upper alpha band) data of eight subjects in one free design task and three information stimulating design tasks are collected and processed. It is proved by the analysis of cognitive activity data that knowledge connection acts as the core in the thinking process of idea generation. With Alternative Uses test as a reference, the analysis of variance(ANOVA) of EEG alpha band data shows the results as follows: in free design task and AU test alpha(upper/lower band) synchronizations of subjects show no significant differences; in stimulus information tasks subjects show stronger alpha(upper/lower band) synchronization than in free design task, which means that subjects show more focused on the cognitive process in stimulus information tasks than in free design task; the multiple comparisons of tasks, brain areas and other factors are observed to prove that the stimulation distance of stimulus information has certain connections with the levels of brain activation.

关 键 词: 设计思维 知识联系 信息激励 认知活动 波活动


作者 梁东梅
作者 黄贝君
作者 姜有余
作者 何祥文
作者 荆芳


机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 深圳大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州大学美术与设计学院
机构 中山职业技术学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚